15th July 2021 Minutes

Michaelchurch Escley, Newton, St Margarets, Turnastone, Vowchurch.
Minutes of the Vowchurch Group Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 15th July 2021 at 7.30pm in Vowchurch & Turnastone Memorial Hall.

PRESENT – Councillors P Mason (Chair), T Williams, E Williams, I Chadwick, A Picton, and E May.
IN ATTENDANCE – Ward Councillor Peter Jinman, Mrs L Cowles (Clerk), Mr David Cross and Ms Gabrielle Franklin.

  1. ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors, J Kernahan, M Engel, R Lloyd and PCSO Peter knight.
  2. RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & CONSIDER ANY WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION – There were no declarations of interest or written requests for dispensation.
  3. CONSIDER CO-OPTION OF PARISH COUNCILLORS TO REPRESENT MICHAELCHURCH ESCLEY – Following Mr David Cross’s co-option at the June meeting he signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting. Ms Gabrielle Franklin was co-opted to fill the second Michaelchurch Escley vacancy, her Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed and she joined the meeting.
  4. ADOPT MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS ORDINARY MEETING – 17th June 2021 – The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.
  5. OPEN DISCUSSION – No members of the public attended the meeting and therefore no specific points were raised.
    6.1 Ward Councillor – Ward Councillor Jinman’s report included: –
    Green Farm – The Commissioner has granted the HGV operating licence at Green Farm for two vehicles and 2 trailers, limited to 28 journeys per week. Whilst there has been a number of objections from people locally with some wanting to see a weight limit in the area the feasibility is not high. This site is for agricultural use, if the applicant started to move other items it would constitute a change of use.
    Speed Limit Review – There is some hope that the Traffic Regulations Order for the B4348 in Vowchurch could be looked at through a multiple application along with other local schemes. The Cabinet Member is currently investigating this option and may have a greater chance of getting the scheme approved. The Parish Council welcomed any way forward with the scheme.
    Broadband – Communication with Gigaclear is better and Toby Murcott has been receiving the latest updates.
    Leader’s letter has been forwarded to Parish Councillors via Talk Community.
    Contract Managers have now been employed at Herefordshire Council to oversee the Balfour Beatty contract. It is hoped that this will be a more productive way of managing the contract.
    Drainage and Footpaths Grant – There will hopefully be another round of additional funding available for Parish Council to bid for in the near future.
    6.2 Local Police – The local police were unable to attend the meeting.
    6.3 Lengthsman report – The Lengthsman was unable to attend the meeting.
    6.4 Footpaths Officer – Councillor May reported that she has walked all but 2 of the footpaths in St Margarets, some in Newton and has started to walk Michaelchurch Escley.
  7. CLERKS UPDATE – The Clerk re-iterated Ward Councillor Jinman’s news regarding Green Farm.
    An additional planning application has been received at Graig Farm Barn, Middle Maescoed. HR2 0QY. Unfortunately, the planning department are unable to offer an extension to comment, therefore it will need to be discussed when considering planning.
    Site: The Prospect, Vowchurch, Herefordshire. HR2 0RL
    Description: Proposed demolition of existing single-storey extensions and erection of a two-storey extension and lean-to.
    Application No: 212183 Grid Ref: 336582:237028
    Site: Rose Cottage, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire. HR2 0JW.
    Description: Proposed refurbishment of existing dwelling including conversion of existing attached garage/store. Replacement oak-framed enclosed porch.
    Application No: 211125 Grid Ref: 331974:233569
    Site: Land at Ponty Pina, Vowchurch, Herefordshire.
    Description: Proposed non-material amendment to planning permission 200353 – amendment to the design and layout of the Burrows. The width of the Burrows has increased and the length of the Burrows has decreased slightly. The internal layout of the Burrows has been altered providing an additional bedroom to the accommodation.
    Application No: 211540 Grid Ref: 337259:235701
    Site: Graig Farm Barn, Middle Maescoed, Newton St Margarets. HR2 0QY
    Description: Proposed conversion of agricultural building into a dwelling and associated works.
    Application No: 212542 Grid Ref: 334402:233808
    9.1 Confirmation of bank balance – £11,469.97 Statement Sheet No. 158 issued 17th June 2021.
    Receipts – £650.00 drainage grant payment.
    9.2 Payment to Mrs Linda Cowles for June 2021 Clerk’s hours – Payment agreed.
    9.3 Payment to SLCC of £112.00 for Clerks’ annual membership – Payment agreed.
    9.4 Payment to HMRC of £58.60 for PAYE April – June 2021 – Payment agreed.
    9.5 Financial Working Group – The quarterly reports were distributed to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Finance Working Group confirmed spreadsheets, invoices and PAYE had been checked and all were in order.
  10. ROADS SIGNS – Balfour Beatty have quoted to supply and erect two sign options to include the village name and ‘please drive carefully’. Option one being three signs 760mm wide x 210mm high, costing £723.53 plus VAT or option two being three signs 1065mm wide x 290mm high costing £759.50 plus VAT. As there was not a great difference in price it was agreed to order the larger signs, two for Vowchurch on the B4348 and one for Turnastone on the C1206.
  11. STRATEGIC HOUSING PROVISION – Following the recent decisions on housing provision Herefordshire Council would like to gain a greater understanding of the local housing requirements in the area. Ward Councillor Jinman explained that Central and Local Governments are pushing for more housing in Herefordshire and this is an opportunity to say where these should be built. Vowchurch Neighbourhood Plan broadly follows Herefordshire Council Core Strategy and identifies Vowchurch and Michaelchurch Escley as possible development sites but any available site would ultimately be the landowner’s decision to sell. Whilst Central Government are pushing for more houses, the design would be Parish Councils and Local Government choices. Currently four Parish Councils in Herefordshire are working on a pilot scheme concerning house design. It was agreed that the Parish Council would like to discuss this further. There is currently very little affordable housing in the area, there are pockets of land that may be suitable for development and landowners may be more inclined to sell if planning rules are relaxed and incentives are increased.
  12. PLANNING INSPECTORATE ROW/3241619 – Footpaths VO53 & VO57 (part) – Councillor Picton reported that he had accompanied the Planning Inspectorate on her site visit on 6th July along with five other interested parties. It was made very clear that she would not discuss any details on the visit and attendees would only be allowed to point out physical features when asked. Any objections should have been made, in writing, prior to the visit. The Parish Council will now have to wait for the Inspectorates decision.
  13. AUGUST NEWSLETTER – Co-option of Parish Councillors and Covid 19 reminder to be vigilant.
  14. NOTE THE CORRESPONDENCE SHEET – The correspondence sheet was noted.
  15. RAISE MATTERS FOR THE NEXT ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – Thursday 19th August 2021 at 7.30pm at Vowchurch & Turnastone memorial Hall – Resilience Plan

The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.20pm


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